Do you know how to choose your perfect shower tray? This piece, as essential as it is unknown in our bathrooms, accompanies us every day in one of our most intimate moments. When we come into skin-to-skin contact, choosing a safe surface becomes an act of self-love. Discover in this Poalgi guide the keys to choosing the ideal shower tray according to your needs.

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Choosing the perfect shower tray is an important task for which it is advisable to take into account some key aspects such as its material, design, texture and colour. At Poalgi, we have been manufacturing this product for more than 30 years, using resistant and safe materials, and paying careful attention to the functionality of its design.

In this guide we gather our experience and provide you with everything you should take into account when choosing the ideal shower tray for your bathroom. It is divided into two parts: the attributes and differences between our two materials, and the properties and characteristics of our shower tray models.

Know the differences between our materials

Trusting in a quality surface is essential when choosing our shower tray, since it will accompany us every day in one of our most intimate moments. As we come into contact skin to skin, choosing materials that take care of you is an act of self-love.

Every Poalgi surface is designed to provide well-being. A principle that has led us to use two high-quality materials: our classic material of our own production, Wraitom®, and the well-known bulk material, Corian®️.

The composition of our materials:Wraitom®.

Our classic Wraitom® material is formulated with mineral fillers, high quality technical resins and a Sanitary Gel Coat surface finish. A composition that makes it an intelligent material, designed to take care of you and make your bathroom experience a moment of well-being.

Corian®. Our latest solid surface for the bathroom is the renowned Corian®, a solid material that acts like a second skin. Formulated with 2/3 natural minerals and 1/3 acrylic resin (PMMA), its homogeneous composition with no visible joints allows you to create smooth and infinite surface designs.

Technical characteristics:
Wraitom®. Our Wraitom® material creates spaces where we feel protected thanks to its double antibacterial formula that inhibits the growth of bacteria, fungi and yeasts, and prevents the appearance of odours and stains. The protective layer of Gel Coat Sanitary prevents the appearance of bacteria and the Bactiblock® technology, present in its composition, acts as a highly effective natural antimicrobial source. In addition, the technology of its composition makes Wraitom® a non-slip material, resistant to chemical agents and high temperatures (130º)

Corian®. Corian® is a highly resistant material that has been subjected to exhaustive tests that demonstrate that its quality and appearance are not affected by the passage of time. The strength and stability provided by its solid structure makes it resistant to impact and chemical agents, as well as to bacteria and mould with LGA antibacterial certification. The non-slip C2 and its non-porous surface and smooth finish make it easy to clean and prevent dirt and stains from penetrating. In addition, Corian® is highly regenerative, as it is easily repairable, ensuring it looks and feels as good as it did on day one.


Wraitom®. One of the great attractions of our Wraitom® material is its chromatic versatility. The standard colour palette includes 8 natural tones based on the main bathroom demands. However, its chromatic potential comes from the ColorPlus technology, a system that allows the customisation of the colour, that is to say, to choose the colour you want for your shower tray, whatever it is!

The mass colour of Corian® is Moon White, an elegant and neat white tone, perfect to adapt and fit in any bathroom.


Wraitom®. The texture of our Wraitom® material is designed to provide a pleasant sensation of care and well-being. Each shower tray model has its own finish, among which we find the tender silk texture (silk), the bristling sand texture (sand) and the vibrant slate texture.

Corian®. Designed to act as a second skin, the smooth Corian® texture aspires to blend with our skin in an organic and pleasurable way.

Choosing your shower tray

Choosing the material of our shower tray is the basis of this undertaking, however, it is not the only variable to take into account. Therefore, at Poalgi we present a brief and practical guide to choose your shower tray taking into account three factors.

1. Choisir le matériau. Comme nous l'avons précédemment expliqué, le matériau est la base de tout receveur de douche car il détermine sa résistance, sa sécurité et son confort. Comme nous sommes en contact peau contre peau, choisir des matériaux qui prennent soin de nous est un acte d'amour. Les options de Poalgi sont : Wraitom®, un matériau formulé avec des charges minérales et des résines techniques de haute qualité, et Corian®, un matériau robuste composé de minéraux naturels et de résine acrylique.

2. Choisir son modèle. Prendre soin de l'aménagement de nos espaces, c'est aussi une façon de prendre soin de soi. Notre humeur et notre mode de vie sont influencés par ce qui nous entoure, ainsi que par la facilité d'utilisation de nos objets quotidiens. C'est pourquoi, lorsque vous choisissez le receveur de douche idéal, vous ne devez pas négliger son design. Chez Poalgi, nous avons différents designs en fonction du matériau.



Ashi. Sa surface lisse et soyeuse génère une expérience sensorielle agréable, où la beauté et la résistance sont perçues dans chaque geste (bientôt disponible sur notre site).

3. Choisir sa couleur. Enfin, choisir le receveur de douche idéal est aussi une question de couleur. Faire attention à nos goûts et à l'harmonie de l'ensemble sera essentiel pour choisir la couleur de notre receveur. Comme nous l'avons déjà expliqué, chez Poalgi, nous avons deux matériaux qui se comportent différemment en termes de couleur. Wraitom® dispose de 8 couleurs standard (Blanc, Ivoire, Perle, Sable, Gris fumé, Gris concret, Toundra, Anthracite) et l'extraordinaire technologie Colorplus qui vous permet de réaliser votre receveur de douche dans la couleur de votre choix. Et Corian®, un matériau de masse qui se décline en une seule couleur : Moon White, un blanc parfait, élégant et épuré.